Sunday, May 26, 2013

more fun...

i have no explaination

iron men.  bvu triathlon

egg dye

easter fun

nature center near sioux city

great bird watching

he is going to love that i posted this....egg hunt

the now annual pinata beat-down

lotsa love for a fabulous cousin

Faces of Owen


groundbreaking for the new habitat for humanity house in SL-former student's family
Justin has joined the board this year & it is his first house to help build

another day older-another tooth gone

these two would not quit posing for the camera-grant is a fun friend

the old 300 looks new yet again

damn the may snow

10 days of school left-this feels like ages ago

back to smacking the ball-oooh it felt good to watch this!

joe's ink artwork on display at the middle school-purple ribbon recognition

50 yard dash

discus throw-60th annual little tornado relays

alta tourney-5th grade team

playing 1st base

It's been a while...

So, my answer to ignoring this blog and focusing on my school blog is to just load a ton of pictures.  Not very creative, but it will catch you up on some silly moments in our life in the last 3-4 months.

So, Winter lasted until May, but this was a January snowball day.

watercolor painting over Elmer's glue...salt sprinkles

dude likes a pedicure


a grand try

bowling with Ole's is always fun

belle grew

super achiever

belle discovered the dishwasher

do ya see the hole?
Joe's molars are starting to loosen...

LeMars ice cream shop after a grueling swim meet

Pa got a new tractor.  Joe calls it "their" tractor.

we are experiencing the mischeviousness of kittens

last picture of the beautiful flowing locks

he was happy...i was not 

bear snout
