Joe's first experience on a plane starred boarding at 5:25AM CST. He said his biggest worry was getting thru security which was a piece of cake especially since they he and grandpa got the "special" yellow cards. I told joe that the card meant a body cavity search but in fact it meant he didn't have to take his belt and shoes off. Joe was young enough and grandpa OLD enough. I guess I meet the standards for airport problem child!
Joe looks a little nervous in this picture, he wasn't certain that he wanted to sit by the window but in the end it was a good idea and view! Once the sun came up we were able to see lots of clouds but lucky for Joe right as we got across the Rockies the clouds parted and he got to see some snow capped peaks!
First stop was Peoria Sports Complex home to the San Diego Padres and Seattle Mariners where we got watch the big league pitchers do PFPs or Pitcher Fielding Practice. I noted to Joe that they are just like the little league kids in that they mess around when not doing their drills as we'll. it was fun to see Felix Hernadez play around and start the "who can the water cooler in the dugout from the outfield" game, they do have amazing talent!
Joe and I took this selfie in front of the minor league guys waiting for instruction, which took 30 minutes. Notice our Cleveland hats, I'm sure we were looked at as spies and that aw why they waited to work out.
The people in Peoria were exceptional from the moment we parked, for free I might add! I thought we were goig to get told to move the card but instead the older gentleman who came up to us asked us it we wanted a ride in to the complex! How about that! Joe and Grandpa got suckers and Joe got a pennant to get autographs on, no charge!
Access to the players is amazing down here, absolutely amazing! It is also amazing how many grown adults are here to get autographs for resell! A lesson for Joe in economics that where there is a dollar to be made someone will be their to make it. There was an older lady why had her purse full of new baseballs and was talking about waiting for Robinson Cano because his signature was worth $180. Another older lady was standing next too Joe waiting and a Hispanic player earlier by and Joe asked him to sign, which he did but he ignored the old lady, which prompted her to ask him who he was in Spanish and then berate him for ignoring her in English. And she wonders why she was ignored? The good and bad of spring training.
Joe was very successful in getting autographs, his first one was Willy Bloomquest of the Mariners as shown in the picture below.
He got Willy to sign the ball to his brother directly! Hey Mel, good thing we named the kids with simple names so that it was easy to convey to players for singing!
Following the training events we went to the Mariners Indians game. Not a great showing by my belove Indians but we came back and won in the in. A crowd of 4,000 plus watched the game. Before the game Joe was able to get several autographs from the Indians walking into the dugout. I would say that he was very successful in getting signatures from two of the top prospects in the Indians organization Francisco Lindor and Tyler Naquin! During the signing he was filmed by either Channel 11the Peoria Channel. The following picture is from our seats -Joe is in the red cap holding his pennant!
Finally in the sixth inning Joe got the attention of the Indians 1st baseman, Aguiliar, who had just made a catch of the third out behind first base and as he was coming he he flipped the ball right to Joe! Sorry no picture.
Of course we got a very good start of our tans!
We have great host! So once we settled in we were out, after a long day! Thus this post is late. We are off to Goodyear this morning home of the Indians! Oh yea and the Reds.
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